Monday, December 26, 2011

I, Lauren, Being Born of Goodly Parents...

How's that for an introduction?


All right. I'll give a better one.

I come from a hilarious and caring family. My brothers are my heroes, though at times they can also be my personal tormentors.

Despite still being in high school, I have some dreams for the near future that I can almost taste. BYU Provo has been where I've wanted to go since I was three. When I get there, I'll major in genetics. Finding out about what makes us--and every other living thing for that matter--tick never ceases to amaze and intrigue me.

I love: reading, laughing, watching movies, running, eating Blizzards, pondering, shopping, and of course, writing.

That is basically me.

Now, here's a little penny for your thoughts.

Today I visited some extended family for Christmas Part II. I’m the youngest in my family, and also the youngest grandchild on my father’s side, so I suppose tall and sophisticated people have always surrounded me. That’s probably the reason why I enjoy their conversations so much. Yet, as I was half-reading the autobiography I received as a present and half-listening to my family members’ chatter, a thought pricked my mind. These people I am surrounded with, though silly they can be, are here to help me find my place. Through their love, support, and advice, life’s puzzles become easier. I realized, for the umpteenth time, how dear my family is to me. They know how to save my life. 

In fact, I have a brother in the mission-field right now, and he not only continues to help my light burn brighter, but also those of everyone he meets in LA. 

I've heard many a person say the Lord is a sneaky, sneaky fellow. I concur. I think He knew what He was doing when He put my family together. Because, throughout my life, I don't know if I have ever been able to just walk away from someone I've loved. When my parents scolded me as a child and I wanted to run away and sulk, they called me back, ... and I always came. If ever a friend and I fell out, when they apologized or forgave me, I came running. The Lord knew that through and because of these people He so lovingly placed in my life, I would have a greater chance at returning to Him. 

What better group of people could there be to cheer you on? 

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