Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pour Moi?

In all my blogging existence, I never expected to be the recipient of a blogging award.

Well, one of my dear friends and fellow-bloggers awarded me the "Liebster Award." It's a pass-along award given to small blogs with fewer than 200 followers. Psh. Yeah. Like I'm even close to that. Even so, I am honored to receive this.

My friend who gave me this wonderful honor is Rachel from There and Back Again, an absolutely marvelous blog where I am constantly awed and inspired. I love how she writes all about life and the hope we can find in it. Plus, she makes it totally relatable and fun. Definitely a blog worth checking out!

The really cool--and also slightly daunting--part of this award is passing it along. Most of the blogs I follow have already or recently been given the Liebster--except for one, and that one truly deserves it:

  • Jessica, from Mess of Jess, hooks people in with her easy, pure style. It's about her. Not in the prideful, look-at-me-and-my-fabulous-life about her, but the this-is-me, I'm-real kind. Jess writes of life's simple joys and true experiences. I love how she gives personal detail and touch, helping readers feel like they know her. Also, there's no fluff; she gets to the point and makes it beautifully. 

Go check these blogs out! Well, those of you five who don't already know one or both of these blogs....

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