Sunday, June 24, 2012

My House on a Sunday Afternoon

It's June.

My brother is asleep on the couch.

A fan hums while it blows away the muggy summer heat.

My dad messes around with his smart phone as he sprawls on a different couch.

The cat stretches out luxuriously on the carpet, oblivious to the world and its cares.

My mother reads about jewelery online.

There's a book left open on the sofa, its pages turning when the fan comes its way.

A pair of house-shoes sits in the middle of the room.

Dove chocolate wrappers litter an end table.

The blinds are down.

My nails are painted a tropical hue.

We still haven't brought in the Sunday paper.

And I don't have a care in the world. 

(I wish this picture was actually part of my house.)

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