Friday, August 3, 2012


Can I tell you something I did?

Yesterday I checked a deed off my bucket list.

I have always wanted to travel down a road as far as I could go. Some unfamiliar path that stretches farther than the eye can see.

I did it.

And it was one of the coolest things I've ever done. Riding along on my bike, I passed seemingly endless fields of gold and green, aged houses with rustic charm, and sparkling canals teeming with life. All this from my little hometown area on a Thursday evening.

The reason I embarked on this bike ride was not actually to check it off my bucket list, but to blow off some steam. However, my ride soon became something of a higher nature. I noticed all the simple beauties God has placed here, and it brought the most genuine smile out of me. And, when I realized I was completing a goal of mine, I couldn't stop smiling! So, I cranked up my John Mayer tunes and pedaled even harder, going farther and farther. By the time I had to turn around, I was at least five miles away from anything I could recognize.

If it hadn't been so late, I would have pedaled to the mountains.

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