Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stuff of Legends

With the exception of today (homework-laden as it was), this last week has been loaded with some of the greatest adventures--of the past and of my own. I have neither the time nor the emotional stamina right now to go into detail about each experience, but I will post pictures with a caption for each.

The Tower of London! It is incredible just how saturated with history this place is. Yes, I saw the Crown Jewels. No, it was not like Moriarty's epic jewel heist from Sherlock. Personally, I enjoyed the Bloody Tower the most. 

Kensington Gardens--essentially the most beautiful public park I've ever seen (and where Kate Middleton lives. That's important, right?) This particular scene is from the Roman Garden portion. Simply gorgeous. 

Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna of the Rocks--my favorite piece of art I've seen in the National Gallery so far. I love the way da Vinci depicts Mary's face; it made me proud to be a woman. 

This is Trafalgar Square. If you look closely, you can see Big Ben in the background. Coming out of the National Gallery, I was surprised to the point of shock to see this. Please understand, before this moment, I'd never seen Big Ben in person. The mere sight of it brought me to tears, as if warmly welcoming me, "You've made it at last." I will treasure this forever. 

Here I am with a bunch of my cute friends at the Globe Theatre to see A Comedy of Errors. Do yourself a favor--the next time you find yourself in London, see a play in the Globe. The performance transported me back to a simpler time, and I loved every giggle-filled minute of it. 

My first glimpse inside the Salisbury Cathedral. As I walked throughout, hymns played in my head, and I wished I had worn a dress. It seemed as if an older incarnation of the Spirit dwelt there. 

Ah, Stonehenge. While I am privileged and glad to have seen this, I wouldn't see it again. A cool sight, nonetheless.

Stourhead Gardens possessed this simple and elegant natural beauty. Looking around, I could easily imagine several of Jane Austen's beloved characters living out their stories there. Speaking of which, can anyone tell me the significance of this building? Hint: think of the 2005 Pride & Prejudice film. 

My first fish and chips! Oh man, was it a treat. For the record, I actually took a picture of my friend's, so nothing in the photo is really mine.

St. Michael's Mount, a castle majestically sitting on the apex of a small island off the coast of southern England, was a sight to see. Some of the girls and I agreed that being queen of this castle would have been pretty great, seeing as how the ocean would be part of the domain, too.

The more I think about it, the more I realize this place was probably my favorite of those we visited. This is next to Tintagel Castle in Cornwall. I stood on another cliff to take this picture and then ventured out to the one in the photo. Absolutely stunning. With nothing before me but sea and sky, I'm not sure I have ever felt more alive.

It was worth the rather rigorous trek to see the Glastonbury Tor. Regardless of where you looked, you would get an eyeful of sleepy towns, rolling hills, and misty, verdant fields. I applauded the ancient saints who made similar excursions up there.

Apparently I have a thing for cathedrals. Each one I've visited has been astoundingly lovely and spiritual. This one is Wells Cathedral--my favorite so far. I almost missed this gem of a room--the Chapter House--since the entrance is a humble little door among so many ornate structures.

Say hello to the Roman Baths! I grew up watching Rick Steve's travel shows, and ever since I saw him visit Bath, I've wanted to go. For me, the best part was trying the water (cleaned and purified, of course), which was horribly disgusting, but an item off my bucket list all the same. 

Well this one totally snuck up on me. Some friends and I were going to get theatre tickets when I suddenly spotted it. We're going to pretend I was dignified and mature about it. ;)

We stumbled upon Fashion Week. Naturally, I'm being a dork. 

Last one for now! My first time in any sort of China Town. The entire time we explored, I eagerly searched for the places they filmed in the Blind Banker episode of Sherlock. I will definitely have to visit again. 

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