Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Other Side of Someday

At one time or another, we have all said, "Someday I want this" or "Someday, I want to be this."

Everyone has a Someday. I'm no different.

In the movie Knight and Day, Tom Cruise's character says "Someday. That's a dangerous word. It's really just a code for 'never.'" Part of me agrees with this, and part of me wants to prove Cruise wrong. We say things because a certain part of us truly means them. So, when we use the word Someday, we actually hope for it.

I want to reach my Someday. I have things I want to do, to see, and to become.

It's like my entire future lies on the other side of a window. I can see it, but not grasp or breathe it. Very recently, I grabbed the latch, flung the window open and... bashed my head into a brick wall. The curtain holding the illusion of Someday crumpled at my feet. I still feel the bruise. It keeps me from looking at the window again. I guess my insecurities, doubts, and fears built up and up until they created a barrier to my happiness.

I've decided to break that barrier now. Such little things should not hold me back from what I am capable of. I am my own voice, and though I've been struggling to find it, nobody can be it for me.

Mainly, my problem is finding who I am. Just what can I offer the world? What can I say that will change people for the better? Some people's words and ideas have touched me to the core, but they are not my own, and I need to express my own. Especially if I want to be a force for good.

So, my Someday involves becoming the person I have always wanted to be. Even then, the journey will not end. Learning and growing will always accompany me, I should think. What I'm trying to say is, I want to reach the other side of Someday. Where I can continue life, love, and learning in the best way possible.

When is my Someday? My Someday is today. It is tomorrow. It is any day in my future. For, every day holds a new opportunity to better myself and to discover more of who I can be. Humans are not flat, completable beings. We are ever-changing, ever able to unlock more potential. Perhaps that is why Eternity is never-ending. We will always be learning, discovering, loving, and living.

Because my Someday is any and every day (though essentially in the future), here is a list of things I have always wanted to do. Hopefully, along my journey of self-realization, I will do these things.

  • I want to feel the rain on my hands in an old city. Like London. 

  • Dance like they do in the Jane Austen novels.

  • Walk across a giant rustic suspension bridge from the movies. 

  • I want to walk along the shore while having a conversation with someone I truly love. Cliche, yes. Does it change anything? Nope. 

  • Write something of importance. Whether it be a novel, a play, a poem, or song. I wanna change the way people think with my writing. 

  • I have always desired to speak French pretty fluently. When I have my own family, I want to teach my children to speak the language. It would be so cool to have a bilingual family! 

  •  I wanna cook without any sort of recipe. I'll look in the pantry and fridge, grab what I want, and make it into something wonderfully yummy and special. Simple, but still a desire.

  • Make a medical discovery. Genetics is such a critical field with almost constant innovation. And because I love it, I think I'd be invested enough to discover something of import. Through this work, I could help people everywhere. 

  •  I want to get married on a pristine, serene, and beautiful wintry day. That is the Someday I cannot wait to reach.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I have no doubt in my mind that of all people, you will be the one to prove Cruise wrong and reach your Somedays. And I hope, that I can reach mine right along with you. Then, when we're old together, we can look back and say that every day was important, but the Somedays were the best.
