Sunday, October 21, 2012

Anything Could Happen

Can you imagine? A single day, a mere 24 hours, that changes your whole life? And you never suspected it in the least.

No schedule, no time constraints, no obligations, simply... life.

(I swear this guy looks like Channing Tatum!)

In the middle of it all, you meet somebody completely new. If it weren't for this day, you'd never have met them.


Is it fate, or is it coincidence? Either way, it happened, and nothing can alter that. You wouldn't want it to anyway.

There's something about these moments, this person, that sets you free. You can be you and they accept you, even respect you for it. Not all is known between you. That's part of the magic.

Masks come down, and all that's left is exuberance, delight, and an inexplicable trust.

Why should it end?
Though the day must end, this doesn't have to. Hope. There is only hope in goodbye. Hope in another encounter, another chance to make something abiding.
So, goodbye is merely a promise for another hello.

That's the beauty of the movie Roman Holiday; it shows just how magical one day can be. Anything could happen; you only have to be ready for it. 


  1. This made me think of After Hello. A lot.

    1. Me too! You should definitely see this movie; it's practically a forties version of After Hello. I loved it.
