Saturday, November 10, 2012

Unintentially Cliche

Between parties, papers, tests, and the guilty pleasures of a certain TV show, I've neglected my blog. Though I still lack time for a nice, substantial post, I figured I could at least swipe away the cobwebs and leave a small something to show that I haven't stopped caring. So, here I am, thinking I'd post something about all the little pleasures I've enjoyed recently, when I realize: it's November. EVERYONE is posting about the things they are grateful for. Ah well. I want to share mine anyway.

  • Sending a letter to a close friend of mine (I mean a real paper-stamp-envelope kind, people)
  • Sipping some hot cocoa while making good progress on my English term paper
  • Having time to read a wonderful book
  • Laughing about silly things with my parents
  • Being complimented on how well I read (as weird as that sounds)
  • Seeing the fat, fluffy snowflakes begin to blanket everything in sight
  • Sleeping in for as long (or as little) as I please
  • Bringing a surprise treat to one of my favorite people
  • Being finished with an icky test
  • Having my house smell like pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
  • Wearing sweaters and fuzzy socks
  • Eating ice cream!
  • Looking forward to all the exciting plans for the day
  • Knowing that I have enough time
  • Knowing that my brother will be home soon (it's been two years!)
  • Waking up early and being the only one up
  • Making waffles for myself in that early hour
  • Being able to share all this with you
With all these little joys, these tiny happinesses, I feel blessed. Especially considering they all came from just the past two days.

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