Saturday, October 26, 2013

One of Those Nights

I can't sleep.

Or maybe, I refuse to.

It's been one of those nights--one of those utterly chill Friday nights when you just do whatever the heck you feel like.

I enjoyed a marathon of that show New Girl, laughing so hard I had to leave the room. I've spent hours on Tumblr and Pinterest, staring at beautiful fanart, funny images, and pictures of clothes I've wanted to wear and places I've wanted to be. Listening to Katy Perry's new album, I made roasted veggies. My roommates and I giggled about boys, clothes, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink sundaes, and just how uncertain the future really is.

My PD Bio professor told me I am a great student after I confessed my worries about my major. A friend of mine gushed about my score on the chemistry exam. I didn't mean to, but I put off a big portion of my homework until tomorrow. Imagine Dragon's music fuels my soul right now, and I just remembered I need to do laundry. I am living on my own.

Some part of me aches to experiment, to change something. I wanna chop my hair off, but I think I'd miss it. If it weren't for curfew, I'd go for a run. I yearn to go to London. There's this strange emptiness in my chest, and I don't know how to go about filling it. With knowledge? With strength? With affection?


My life right now seems to be a wondrous balance of right and wrong.

So yeah.

Everything is just fine.


  1. My advice if you really want to cut your hair is to donate it to locks of love. I just did it for the 3rd time, because while I really like my hair long the change is fun, it makes your hair feel super healthy, AND if you have moments where you miss your hair you can think of those little girls with cancer :).

  2. Lauren, I really like this post, it just describes exactly what I think you feel. It is a sign of a great writer, and this post has inspired some from my own. You are beautiful and thoughtful Lauren, and the bestest sister anyone could ask for! Keep up your awesomeness!
